Dear St. Francis Friends,
As the year draws to a close, I’m filled with gratitude for your unwavering support of the St. Francis Community Center. Your continued generosity has enabled our Community of Caring People to make a significant difference in countless lives:
We provided essential care and counseling services to 3,020 senior citizens.
We equipped 310 individuals aged 16-75 with job-readiness skills through our training programs.
We ensured food security for 250 families, offering them weekly support throughout the year.
We shared the warmth of Thanksgiving with 250 families through holiday meals.
We brought the joy of Christmas to over 600 children and 250 families with warm gifts.
We offered crucial counseling services to over 5,000 individuals facing mental health challenges, abuse, assault, and perinatal needs.
We provided year-round childcare for families working in the local tourism industry, supporting both LBI and Southern Ocean County Communities.
The thought of our community without the Center is unimaginable. As we move into the new year, we ask for your continued support to sustain our mission of caring. Your donation can make a tangible difference:
$150 can teach a child to swim.
$250 can provide a week’s worth of food and care for a family.
$350 can send a child to camp for a week or train to become a lifeguard.
$500 can give a family half a half-year pool membership.
$750 or more can support a child’s enrollment in our Preschool for a month.
Our goal is to uplift the hardworking working families who form the backbone of our community. Please consider a Caring Community Center Gift to make a lasting impact.
Thank you, and may you have a blessed and joyous holiday season!
Kevin Walsh
Executive Director